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福建成考网> 成考试题题库列表页> I did not do well on the writing exam, for the topic to write on was unfamiliar____me.


卷面总分:150分     试卷年份:2019    是否有答案:    作答时间: 150分钟   

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I did not do well on the writing exam, for the topic to write on was unfamiliar____me.

  • A、to

  • B、for

  • C、with

  • D、about

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更多题目 请在 下方输入框 内输入要搜索的题目:

According to Paragraph 2, which of the following may lead to insomnia?

  • A、Reading a book for relaxation before bedtime.

  • B、Lowering lights one hour before bedtime.

  • C、Drinking some warm milk before bedtime.

  • D、 Listening to rock music before bedtime.

What phenomenon does the underlined word“paradox" ( Paragraph 7) reflect?

  • A、People can be both happy and unhappy.

  • B、People can be both connected and disconneted.

  • C、People can end up being both wise and stupid.

  • D、People can form both true and false impressions.

Since computers were introduced, they____ to be useful tools for people weak in math.

  • A、had proved

  • B、have proved

  • C、 will prove

  • D、are proving

