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福建成考网> 成考试题题库列表页> [单选题] The writer would be less critical if fashion designers placed more stress on the__________of clothing.


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[单选题] The writer would be less critical if fashion designers placed more stress on the__________of clothing.
  • A、cost
  • B、appearance
  • C、comfort
  • D、suitability
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更多题目 请在 下方输入框 内输入要搜索的题目:

[单选题] According to the passage, plants on the tundra grow in the ground__________.

  • A、to avoid being eaten by arctic animals
  • B、because fertilizer is not readily available
  • C、to minimize exposure to the cold
  • D、because unfrozen water supplies are very scarce

[单选题] Designers and big stores always make money

  • A、by mercilessly exploiting women workers in the clothing industry
  • B、because they are capable of predicting new fashions
  • C、by constantly changing the fashion in women's clothing
  • D、because they attach great importance to quality in women's clothing

[单选题] The factory has done good honor to the government and the people around so that visitors come to it__________.

  • A、in number

  • B、in larger numbers

  • C、to the number

  • D、by number

