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福建成考网> 成考试题题库列表页> 54. (    )


卷面总分:150分     试卷年份:2025    是否有答案:    作答时间: 150分钟   

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提示: Jack去图书馆借书, 但没有借书证 (library card) 。图书管理员Linda为他办理了借书 证, 并告诉他每本书可借两个星期, 如果需要, 可以续借。

Linda: Good morning. 51 (   ) ?

Jack: Yes, I want to borrow a book. 

Linda: 52 (   )?

Jack: No, I don't have one now. 53 (   )?

Linda: Well, please fill in this form first. 

Jack: OK. (A Jew minutes later. Here's the completed form. 

Linda: Thanks. The card will be ready in thirty minutes, and you can take it later. 

Jack: Thank you. By the way, 54 (   )?

Linda: Well, two weeks. But then, you can renew the book if you still need it. 

Jack: I see. Thanks a lot. 

Linda: 55 (   ).

A. Do you have a library card?

B. how long can I keep a book (/the hook) (I borrow)?

C.You're welcome !

D. Can I help you?

E. I like it.

F. How can I get one (/a library card)

G.Thank you

54. (    )

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更多题目 请在 下方输入框 内输入要搜索的题目:

39. This selection was probably written to (   ). 

  • A、show how lazy cats are

  • B、talk about the habits of cats

  • C、tell about famous people and their habits

  • D、persuade people to take naps

30. (      )

  • A、hard

  • B、low

  • C、gently

  • D、powerfully

42. What does the"law of nature"mean? You can find the answer in the passage in (   ) . 

  • A、the second sentence

  • B、the fifth sentence

  • C、the seventh sentence

  • D、the forth sentence

